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SDRAA Hybrid In-Person Potluck Meeting with Our August Speaker
Live Presentation by Marglyph Berrier
August 11, 2024, 2:00 p.m. PDT

We must have your RSVP by Noon on August 10 to gain entry at the security desk

Who: Members and recent past members of SDRAA.

What: Join us for our August General Meeting and Potluck dinner. Please bring a dish of your choice and your own preferred drinks.

Speaker: Margaret Berrier. Marglyph will be arriving from New Mexico to speak and spend time with SDRAA members. Her presentation will also be broadcast via Zoom, but members are invited to the social event and our in-person presentation, plus a free raffle and, most importantly, an exciting opportunity to once again socialize and have discussions with rock art friends.

When: Sunday, August 11, 2024. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Please arrive promptly since we have to complete our meal in time for the 4:00 Zoom presentation of Marglyph's talk. Street parking is free but finding a place can be challenging, so please allow extra time to find a spot. The meeting will be over by 7 p.m.

Where: The Pinnacle Marina Tower 2nd floor community room in downtown San Diego. Enter the building through the Union Street entrance just south of the corner with Market Street (see map and instructions below).

Why: Let's continue our tradition of meeting in-person and socialize with Marglyph. The spacious community room has seating for 72 persons with kitchen facilities and an adjoining outdoor seating area. Our June Anniversary celebration was quite a success with good turnout, and we hope you will join us again this time.

How: RSVP Required before noon on August 10 to gain entry past the security desk in the lobby.

Photo Share: Please bring a few digital images on any area of rock art interest to share as part of a slideshow that will play as we enjoy our potluck dinner. To participate, bring a flash drive with a folder containing your images.

Click Here to RSVP (Required)

Here’s how to get there: First, RSVP is Required (use link above). Security will not let you in if your name is not on the list. Enter the building from the front doors on Union Street between Market St. and Island Ave. (see map below). Let the front desk know you are here to attend the SDRAA meeting on the second floor. Take the elevator to the second floor. The Community Room is down the hall to the left. Plenty of street parking is available free on Sundays along Market St., Union St., and Island Ave.

Note: the Pinnacle Marina Tower occupies most of the block between Front and Union streets with the official address of 550 Front St. If you Google it, you will be directed to the parking entrance on Front St., but do not enter from that side. On Union St. the entrance also bears the 550 Front St. address, so it’s a bit confusing.